
 (C++)Displaying a char array in a CLI form

Posted by Die4Ever, 01-11-2008, 05:15 PMIt's my first time using Windows Forms, and I'm trying to...

 .htaccess question

Posted by MikeWalczak, 10-23-2012, 02:25 PMHey everyone, I've got a question about .htaccess. I...

 /home/ privacy

Posted by Weedy, 04-14-2009, 09:19 AMHow do I keep users from spying on each others files? If I...

 2 questions about setting up domain registration!!

Posted by 21inchguns, 09-13-2001, 09:41 AMHi there, I just have two questions regarding setting...

 2 questions about setting up domain registry on my site!

Posted by 21inchguns, 09-13-2001, 09:32 AMHi there, I just have two questions regarding setting...

 2mhost Reseller.

Posted by smartmlp, 09-07-2001, 11:04 AMHey, 2mhost is down right now, or is it just me? my...

 A rather strange PHP error

Posted by StueyB, 01-10-2008, 06:48 AMHi Everyone, I'm hoping someone can help me here as I...

 ActionScript 3.0 flash, need dropdown menus

Posted by FluidServers, 02-16-2011, 01:23 PMi have a flash player app that plays video streams,...

 Activity on Ports 1028 and 135

Posted by FFCus, 01-14-2008, 12:54 AMUsing Active Ports, my Windows 2003 server is showing a very...

 Adding sub-domains on dedicated server

Posted by mickscool, 02-13-2011, 11:16 AMHi Friends, I own a dedicated server from

 Adult Hosting

Posted by Nell, 09-03-2002, 02:07 AMI search resellers hosting plan for adult sites. The main...

 Anchor Tag Script

Posted by zapinfotech, 09-10-2008, 02:03 PMHi, Can any one let me know, what is the script for...

 Any way to stop spammers from forging the "From" or "Reply To" fields?

Posted by mifbody, 03-28-2008, 07:21 PMHey guys, Is there any possible way to stop spammers from...

 anyone a reseller for stargateinc

Posted by 21inchguns, 09-07-2001, 09:10 AMI was just wondering if anyone here is a domain name...

 Anyone waiting for domain transfer?

Posted by universal2001, 09-09-2001, 08:47 PMI'm trying to transfer a domain name from Joker to...

 Apache eating Memory

Posted by andrei155, 04-20-2009, 10:31 PMApache is wasting away a bit over a GB of memory at...

 Apache/MySQL hosting in 2 locations - setup for me or tuitorial?

Posted by jcy1978, 06-27-2008, 12:22 AMGood evening all, I'd like to have the ability to offer...

 APC storage location in debian

Posted by Owdy, 03-05-2010, 11:36 AMWhere APC stores its cache files in debian?


Posted by praveenkv1988, 04-19-2009, 09:43 AMWhich of the above is best? Posted by... vs PHP

Posted by porov, 03-01-2007, 03:06 AMWhat is better? I hear is better for large scale...

 Avoiding cleartext passwords for mysql connection

Posted by DataCentric, 02-08-2011, 03:48 PMHey guys, Any bright ideas on how to better secure...

 Barracuda Load Balancer

Posted by Dualism, 03-27-2008, 05:46 PMHello, I am just interested to know, if it is possible to...

 Best PHP Editor ?

Posted by SunShellHosting, 03-01-2010, 12:58 PMHi there! I was wondering, what is the best php...

 Billing software

Posted by GandalfDDUK, 08-29-2002, 04:25 AMJust wondering what people recommend for billing...

 Bizarre problem with sending/receiving emails in Outlook 2007

Posted by Azam_net, 01-11-2008, 03:46 PMThere is a strange problem with picking up and sending...

 Box Overloading

Posted by SuperHosterz, 01-13-2008, 11:56 AMI've 50 sites hosted on server all are small sites,...

 Can a server log a user out of a script?

Posted by iowaguy1, 03-19-2007, 03:07 PMI am having a site coded for me and I noticed that I get...

 Chinese interface reseller control panel

Posted by aming, 09-02-2002, 04:40 PManyone can help me? I am looking for a good reseller...

 Cisco Switch Suggestions

Posted by CoreXchange, 09-15-2008, 05:44 PMCan anyone recommend a 24 port switch with following...

 clamscan command

Posted by persianwhois, 04-21-2009, 05:04 AMCan you please provide a clamscan ssh command for...

 clearstatcache - Third time lucky... (PHP question)

Posted by thomase, 09-11-2008, 02:21 PMI've asked two people who are pretty good at PHP and no...

 Clovertown 5335 vs Nehalem 5504

Posted by Dr_Michael, 04-19-2009, 02:00 PMCan you tell me which CPU architecture is better?...

 cobol Class need help with code.

Posted by slayer1189, 10-24-2012, 11:56 AMI am trying to have the program sort through the input...


Posted by Chinese Democracy, 04-20-2009, 12:01 PMIt appears that one new sign-up on a shared...

 Configuring pureFTPd on a VPS

Posted by eta aquarii, 03-27-2008, 02:32 PMHi, I'm trying to install and configure pureFTPD on...

 Connecting Domain to Dedicated Server?

Posted by SaintGTR, 04-21-2009, 01:28 PMI have a dedicated server and a domain I bought from...

 Content not loading from cache in iframe / frameset

Posted by DevMonkey, 02-16-2011, 03:52 PMOk, trust me, I have a legit reason to be using iframes...

 control panel

Posted by aming, 09-04-2002, 04:34 PMcan anyone tell me if there is any reseller control panel...

 copy sql?

Posted by Calibaba, 01-11-2008, 05:08 PMQuick question. How do I copy an entire mysql sql...

 CPanel - Change email password without logging into Cpanel

Posted by keith70, 03-14-2007, 12:48 PMIs there a script out there that will allow a user to...

 Cpanel official API? ( PHP )

Posted by stormridermay, 01-08-2008, 08:39 PMHello, I'm writing my own billing/hosting system....

 Creating seperate index files for each image (or something similar)

Posted by svtVIB, 01-11-2008, 04:19 AMI created a website and I have an index.html; and in there,...

 Critical IP range block from US to IT

Posted by webstyler, 03-28-2008, 12:52 PMHello from 36 hours we have really critical issue:...

 CSS,JQuery,Images etc are not working

Posted by Rezaa, 10-26-2012, 05:10 AMI have a big problem with my website. I just transfered my...

 Custom stamp/engraving tool for PHP

Posted by alias3729, 02-09-2011, 07:32 PMWondering if there's something similar to the websites...

 Darn I am missing one simple step with this PHP array please help

Posted by lexington, 02-10-2011, 09:48 AMHello, I have been up all night so my brain must be...

 Data Mirroring Software (Windows)

Posted by ServerFarmer, 03-28-2008, 07:22 PMWhat are some of the most popular data mirror...

 Database server in different continent?

Posted by UberTricep, 10-27-2012, 08:23 AMHello, Is it wise to have a web server hosted in...

 date --utc on VPS ?

Posted by enz0, 06-17-2008, 03:07 PMHi all, I just created a VPS with Empire VPS. I'm...

 dba_insert() not working

Posted by latheesan, 01-09-2008, 08:30 AMHello, I am trying to create a class to handle dba in...

 Disallow a site from sending out emails

Posted by HappyPike, 05-04-2007, 12:51 AMHi, Is there a way to disallow a certain site from...

 DNS management problems on DirectAdmin

Posted by Narcolog, 06-02-2012, 06:46 PMNeed to add this 2 lines for domain via DirectAdmin...

 DNS/Proxy Cache

Posted by linux2man, 07-15-2007, 10:57 AMHello; I made changes in httpd.conf to redirect website...

 Documenting downtime

Posted by yosmc, 05-04-2007, 10:30 AMI'm having a bit of a quabble with my current host because...

 Domains on a particular nameserver

Posted by realvaluehosting, 09-14-2007, 03:24 AMHi, Is it possible to get a list of the...

 dos attacks on apache2 (win2003)

Posted by Vult-r, 05-05-2007, 04:03 PMIm running a windows 2003 web edition server with apache...

 Easy Exchange Administrator ?

Posted by netguy5, 08-22-2007, 12:58 AMHi guys, Does anyone of you guys use Easy Exchange...

 Elgg - Group Discussions

Posted by jamiedolan, 02-12-2011, 07:20 PMHello; I found a free application called Elgg. It's...

 enabling shell_exec() for some user

Posted by dendis, 03-26-2008, 08:24 PMHi all, I need to run one PHP script from crontab as...

 Error handling in ASP.NET

Posted by Beach Musician, 09-08-2008, 11:49 AMI'm trying to help a colleague who wants to do...

 Exim mail statistics log

Posted by webstyler, 09-14-2007, 02:21 AMHello Under WHM ( Main >> Email >> View Mail...

 Extension issue

Posted by imad77, 04-20-2009, 10:39 AMHi, I run a Perl/CGI script from a Web page to download...

 external pop email

Posted by dotflyer, 03-28-2008, 03:19 AMOne of my customer using google apps for his domain. He...

 favicon question

Posted by robertk1, 01-07-2008, 07:22 PMNot sure if this is the right forum, if not apologies.......

 FFmpeg install problem multiple methods

Posted by Calibaba, 07-16-2008, 10:42 PMTrying to install FFmpeg through this method:...

 frequent rebooting - what can cause this?

Posted by Premier, 07-14-2007, 12:28 AMI have a server that is monitored with a system that...

 FTP login problem

Posted by crazyaboutlinux, 04-14-2009, 10:42 AMone of my client is facing to connect FTP server...


Posted by Luminance, 09-03-2002, 06:13 PMHello guys, Is there any other company comparable to...

 Given a multi-mime email message, how to extract only the HTML?

Posted by Rahil, 01-09-2008, 02:53 AMI am working on a custom mailing list script and I just need...


Posted by cariani, 09-09-2001, 06:59 is the best: 8 - 8.85 $ year for one or...

 Got hacked or got a virus

Posted by azn_romeo_4u, 04-20-2009, 09:30 PMThis code shows up on all my pages with an index.php...

 grsec kernel = no tcp traffic

Posted by dragon2611, 01-11-2008, 11:54 PMTried building a grsec patched kernel as I don't fancy...

 Has anyone Xperience with BOTH MCHost and Voxtreme?

Posted by cyberdao, 07-20-2002, 10:26 PMHas anyone (had) accounts with both MCHost and Voxtreme?...

 Have they put HW or Software RAID ??

Posted by madrilian, 04-22-2009, 02:05 AMI have recently ordered a new server and I asked for two...

 Have you succeeded in using mod_auth_mysql with AES crypt?

Posted by ImageLogic, 02-09-2011, 10:04 PMIf you've been fortunate enough to have made AES...

 Having Problem with SQL need help

Posted by shawnchin, 01-26-2011, 09:11 AMHello World, Having Problem of (Warning:...

 header already sent?

Posted by Calibaba, 03-27-2008, 12:00 PMPHP Warning: Cannot modify header information - headers...

 Help copy sql colume

Posted by jimmysback, 03-04-2010, 05:23 PMHi guys i need some help desining a sql query what i...

 Help me in this!

Posted by rathin, 03-28-2008, 02:19 PMHelp needed in redirection of certain browser,I haveing...

 Help needed: Simple problem needs simple solution?

Posted by lochie, 02-10-2011, 05:30 PMCan anyone tell me why the below does not work?...

 horde webmail issue

Posted by madpato, 06-26-2008, 02:47 PMHi, me again U.u I have a problem with horde webmail I...

 Hosting Related Press Releases

Posted by SoftWareRevue, 04-29-2009, 10:30 AM Post your press release for the WHT community...

 How can I get the memory offsets that functions in a dll access?

Posted by lJesterl, 02-11-2011, 11:57 PMI am developing an anti cheat patch for a friend for an...

 How can I redirect all traffic which is NOT on a mobile device?

Posted by Chris`, 01-06-2008, 07:44 AMHey WHT! I have another question. I've finally got a...

 How do I stop /tmp directory hacks?

Posted by tnedator, 06-19-2008, 04:03 PMI'm on a Cpanel/WHM (latest release version) VPS with...

 How is

Posted by Shazan, 08-30-2002, 06:13 AMHello everyone! I'd like to know if

 How is the service ?

Posted by aboovk, 09-04-2002, 01:06 AMHi, I need a resellers plan with 10 virtual domain...

 How is this possible?

Posted by iUnknown, 09-16-2008, 02:27 PMHello, When I run the following command on my server:...

 How to backup database (cpanel server)

Posted by hbhb, 01-13-2008, 09:19 PMHi, I have a crucial database (mysql). My server is running...

 how to config my domain ???

Posted by hangnguyen, 03-27-2008, 12:50 PMPlease move this post if I posted on wrong box . I...

 how to do this with a cronjob?

Posted by HD Fanatic, 07-13-2007, 04:18 PMI want to copy a sql file from my secondary hdd to my...

 how to get multiple form values as variables in PHP?

Posted by SoftDux, 03-06-2010, 01:21 PMHi, Can someone please help me with this? I have a...

 how to install shared ssl in cpanel server

Posted by yajur, 04-19-2009, 01:36 PMhow to install shared ssl in cpanel server any tutio or...

 how to partion drive

Posted by kmwrestle, 03-27-2008, 11:54 PMim assembling my server now....waiting on the 90degree...

 How to remove Nobody Check Security

Posted by amirasap, 02-13-2011, 05:16 PMHi i want to install new version of "Nobody Check...

 How To Secure Perl

Posted by karem, 03-28-2008, 06:46 AMHello all we know that perl language its using in alot of...

 How to show hidden (dot) files by default and...?

Posted by gurika, 09-13-2007, 10:10 AMHello, on my old centos servers I can show hidden (.file)...

 How to stop apache from doing url decoding?

Posted by mrzippy, 04-20-2009, 03:12 PMHello, I have an interesting problem.. there is a...

 How to: secure yourself with (( ))

Posted by X-x-X, 05-04-2007, 09:39 PMIt’s very important thing [URL removed] A hacker use...

 How turn off allow_url_fopen and short_open_tag in PHP4/5 - module CGI

Posted by KamilPRO, 07-15-2007, 04:14 PMHow turn off allow_url_fopen and short_open_tag in PHP4/5...

 httpme or voxtreme

Posted by slowmail, 08-29-2002, 03:29 PMHi there, Am very new to the whole scheme of...

 Huge traffic load in and out, but no disk usage...

Posted by myhken, 09-14-2008, 04:09 AMHello. In my review of I write about the...

 I doubt anyone can help, but here goes....

Posted by worldveil, 09-12-2007, 11:04 PMHi all, I doubt that anyone can solve this, but here...

 I have a WHM/cPanel server shared server...

Posted by MightWeb-Greg, 04-21-2009, 06:45 PMI just had user KILL the server using 80% CPU and...

 Image storage

Posted by Skeptical, 01-27-2011, 03:07 AMSuppose a website is running on 3 web servers, and there...

 img centering in IE

Posted by bambinou, 03-05-2010, 12:17 PMHi, I am having a very stupid problem but just...

 Installing Glassfish Application Server ?

Posted by john551, 09-16-2008, 10:54 AMHello Friends, How to install Glassfish Application...

 Ioncube on server?

Posted by vito, 01-11-2008, 03:42 PMWhat command line entry do I use to find out if I have...

 Is there a notepad type program that displays php code color format?

Posted by lexington, 09-01-2008, 09:38 AMHello, is there a (free script would be great) that acts...

 javascripts/PHP with brakets on checkboxes

Posted by raulgonzalez, 02-14-2011, 12:44 PMHello, I have the HTML code below which I like to...

 JQueryUI Dialogs ... Seperate javascript file in each?

Posted by matt2kjones, 02-12-2011, 02:32 PMHey guys, I'm writing a webapp for a project of...

 limit the speed for certain file type ?

Posted by ttgt, 04-19-2009, 12:07 PMi have a server and let friends put images on it, i find...

 Limiting bandwidth for non logged in users

Posted by Dasweb, 03-04-2010, 08:16 PMCould anyone point me in the right direction to achieve...

 LINUX BASH : keep the order in STD* output tunnels

Posted by Mister Bark, 10-31-2012, 11:17 AMHi! This will make a file "test" : ... and not :...

 Long "updating" state for mysql db. Does this indicate a problem?

Posted by mrzippy, 10-30-2012, 01:57 PMHello, I am working with a customer to try and help him...

 Looking for a Shell Script! :)

Posted by dwscenter, 01-14-2008, 01:25 AMFirst off I want to apologize if I posted this in the...

 looking for creditcard processing international

Posted by zhai, 09-05-2001, 07:36 PMi'm nearly decide to use service from but after...

 Mail/DNS Problem

Posted by efriese, 03-28-2008, 05:01 PMI'm having problems sending email to a particular domain....

 Making own CPANEL - CGI?PHP?ASP?

Posted by tomb08uk, 03-20-2007, 07:38 AMHi, I am looking into getting a server but before I do...

 Managed server

Posted by jamesthorpe, 06-25-2008, 07:14 PMHey guys, I am having some problems with a server...

 Masking the server's hostname

Posted by billybatson, 09-02-2002, 08:11 PMHi, I'm a reseller about to resell a reseller's...

 Memcached and wordpress

Posted by architect8, 03-28-2008, 12:11 PMI'm running a wordpress site and am trying to get the...

 merchant account

Posted by cass, 09-03-2002, 06:33 AMHi, Just hoping someone could advise on why hostcharge seems...

 Merchant account

Posted by cass, 09-03-2002, 06:00 AMHi, Just joined to get advise on a merchant account for my...

 Mirror dynamic website on other domain

Posted by ouray, 02-19-2010, 07:51 PMDoes anyone know of a way to mirror a website on another...

 mod_security functionality bypass through .htaccess issue

Posted by assassin85, 05-05-2007, 12:13 PMHello, I accidently found that it could be available...

 Multiple IP's Ubuntu

Posted by jamiew8, 02-10-2011, 07:12 AMHi, I have been trying to add multiple IP's for SSL...

 Multiple sites running off same code

Posted by AimyThomas, 10-25-2012, 11:09 PMI m interested in making multiple websites, all with...

 My tar files is invisible!

Posted by hbhb, 03-28-2008, 12:07 PMHi, I need help, I just execute a command to tar a...

 Myspace add

Posted by NameSniper, 03-17-2007, 04:11 PMHi everyone, I am new to Myspace and was wondering...

 MySQL error code: 2006

Posted by Glostar, 04-18-2009, 03:54 AMI update MySQL from version 4 to 5.0.67-community. Now, I...

 Mysql not connecting....

Posted by mouseattack, 06-16-2006, 03:09 PMHere I was trying to change the password of the...

 named optimisation

Posted by dendis, 03-28-2008, 09:17 AMHi All, Now we host about 100,000 domains and they are...

 Need Counter Help

Posted by paulg1981, 01-08-2008, 10:19 AMHello All, This is my first post in Programming so be...

 Need expert to suggest me; xcache or eaccelerator?

Posted by AstroNyu, 03-27-2008, 01:46 AMHello, I have a server and I have several proxies on it...

 need help grouping a array

Posted by smarty-boots, 10-24-2012, 10:57 AMHi I have this as a array: and I need to group...

 need help with SEO

Posted by dennis1, 09-10-2008, 08:48 AMthis is a site I'm playing with hxxp://w...

 Need to run this shell file in the background every 10 secs

Posted by mikey1090, 03-19-2007, 04:44 PMThe following shell script (a php loop to run a file)...

 New PHP Exploit

Posted by jon-f, 09-11-2007, 06:27 PMcheck this out...

 Not receiving some emails

Posted by Kain, 12-20-2007, 07:09 AMI've got a weird one here. A client is not receiving some...

 Opening a new page in an iframe, is it possible?

Posted by bambinou, 02-09-2011, 01:49 PMHi All, I have an iframe here: In this iframe I...

 OpenITC releases new UI, layout and features for Client Portal/My Virtual Servers

Posted by ServerSean, 12-14-2009, 04:04 PM OpenITC are proud to announce the release of an...

 openx problem

Posted by Chinese Democracy, 04-22-2009, 12:38 AMI have a domain that uses openx ad system, but...

 open_basedir off ?

Posted by travelmate2501, 04-20-2009, 09:32 AMHi ! I have dedicated server and my panel is...

 Opinion about Xen

Posted by copahost, 09-14-2008, 06:51 PMI have read many topics here about Xen vs Virtuozzo vs...

 Own a Server? (Remove Fantastico now)

Posted by BitSurFer, 04-30-2007, 08:31 PMHello EveryOne If you have Fantastico installed in your...

 Packet Tracer - For Windows

Posted by josephgarbett, 03-05-2010, 11:55 AMHey All, I need to download Packet Tracer 5.0 - 5.2...

 partition disk (/) 80% full - need advice

Posted by activa, 09-12-2007, 08:52 PMhello all . i have the partition (/) 80% full ; what...

 Passive FTP Port Range Server 2008 Firewall

Posted by stooley, 04-21-2009, 09:13 AMDo you still have to add each port individually to Server...

 pear modules

Posted by Calibaba, 09-09-2007, 09:48 AMTrying to install Cerberus Help Desk and it gives this...


Posted by shakybaky, 06-26-2008, 04:24 AMI have a vps running centos5 WHM/cpanel I recently...

 pf Rule Question

Posted by fog, 01-13-2008, 07:35 PMCan someone tell me what's wrong with the following? (Besides...

 php website taking screenshots of other websites...

Posted by thomase, 09-08-2008, 04:29 PMI'd like to be able to take a screen shot, similar to the...

 PHP - MySQL Select Help

Posted by HostRefugee-Vince, 03-19-2007, 05:25 AMHi, I have a populated database with the date...

 Php as CGI or not.

Posted by Vinayak_Sharma, 01-13-2008, 08:37 AMOk I am configuring a fresh/new WHM/cPanel server...

 PHP bug? PHP can't resolve domains, server can..

Posted by Drifter13, 07-23-2007, 10:51 PMHello fellow techs, I'm having a strange problem. My...

 PHP error_logs per site on Windows

Posted by Canadaka, 05-03-2007, 06:34 PMHow does one setup the PHP "log_errors" and "error_log"...

 PHP Foreach Loop Issue...

Posted by Calibur747, 02-12-2011, 05:09 PMHello WHT, I am having an issue where some users are...

 php help

Posted by BattleMasterGaara, 02-06-2011, 10:44 PMWhat code do i use just to switch the content of...

 PHP in htm problem

Posted by HWLJr, 03-04-2010, 07:59 PMI have a Blue Quartz server which seems to run htm, html and...

 PHP Issue

Posted by pluddies, 03-01-2010, 05:58 PMI have recently switched from a reseller...

 PHP Mail Help

Posted by Danny159, 02-08-2011, 10:19 AMHey, I have the following script, and I am trying to...


Posted by 3DProf4online, 08-27-2008, 07:56 AMHaving found out that Linux hosting is ordered for...

 PHP Running Apps

Posted by Goldfiles, 09-09-2008, 09:31 PMI have a dedicated LAMP server at my house for personal...

 php script security issues

Posted by CleverWebHost, 09-15-2008, 01:12 PMi am on a shared server with php script security...

 PHP Sessions

Posted by raulgonzalez, 09-12-2008, 10:57 AMHello, I downloaded a script for our company....

 PHP with JS chained select

Posted by horizon, 02-27-2010, 09:52 AMHi, I'm currently using the chained select contribution...

 PHP/MySQL -> memcached?

Posted by Sammy89, 02-14-2011, 01:41 PMWhat is the best way to improve PHP/MySQL sites? I'm...

 php/mysql q

Posted by Sammy89, 02-14-2011, 03:45 PMis there a better way to write: Posted by...


Posted by JustinSmall, 01-09-2008, 10:31 PMOk, I'm skinning a phpLD template and it's being a...

 Please help me with Plesk and Qmail

Posted by biggies, 04-21-2009, 11:30 AMHi, I have server running Plesk 8.6 with Qmail....

 Please help with php coding problem

Posted by registercheaper, 03-06-2010, 01:43 AMI have the following code for a video site. I need...

 please look at my ftp problem

Posted by TEGnet, 09-13-2008, 12:48 PMi am trying to setup a simple ftp server in my home, i...

 please Recommendation ( spam protect )

Posted by endin, 06-26-2008, 08:30 AMHi, please Recommendation to manage my server please...

 Possible hard drive failure

Posted by howsthat, 01-12-2008, 01:49 PMI am getting this error on my mail from cpanel...

 Possible Hard Drive Failure Soon

Posted by threemints, 04-19-2009, 05:03 PMI just received: [cPanel smartcheck] Possible Hard...

 problem when clicking a link

Posted by mohammadi, 11-20-2010, 02:56 AMHello, how can I use a link in a form to submit instead...

 problem with named

Posted by mohamed200, 09-15-2008, 12:46 PMhello , i have some problem with named when i moved...

 Problems with NetSol. Help/Suggestions Needed

Posted by David@Digisurge, 09-12-2001, 10:22 PMI have a client with a domain registered with...

 PTZ control queue to a website in script / code

Posted by magi5, 05-05-2007, 08:41 PMHello. Does anybody know about a "Pan/Tilt/Zoom control...

 Q: Prevent DDoS attacks with restarting httpd ?

Posted by NameTyper, 01-12-2008, 11:36 AMHi all Just a short question. Can you restart the...

 Question about load balancer

Posted by then00b, 09-05-2007, 06:37 AMHello I'm new to the forums and had a question. Thanks to...

 Question about moving from a MSSQL 2000 to MSSQL 2008 database

Posted by user471, 03-03-2010, 04:47 PMHi, I have a site that stores it's data in a MSSQL 2000...

 Question about Server Load?

Posted by olddocks, 01-10-2008, 07:09 PMi run about 3 sites all on a shared server with bluehost....

 Question about suspending an account

Posted by junglecat, 06-26-2008, 05:00 PMI have WHM 11.23.0 cPanel 11.23.3-R25068 FEDORA 4 i686...

 Question for PayPal programmer expert!

Posted by pronet-hq, 09-11-2008, 11:30 AMI am creating a website that allows sellers to offer...


Posted by endin, 06-26-2008, 08:37 AMHi, please Recommendation for install script to faster...

 Redrect - make it impossible to trace source

Posted by ntesla123, 02-10-2011, 08:51 PMHow do I make a redirect that would redirect someone to...

 Released Sql Server 2008 Express without SSMSE 08

Posted by IceDog, 08-18-2008, 12:27 AMI'm sure most of you know that they released the Sql Server...

 Reseller Account

Posted by yachtinterac, 09-02-2002, 10:00 AMHi, Does anybody know of a company that does web...

 Resellers Plan

Posted by aboovk, 09-03-2002, 08:48 AMHi, Can any one please tell me about some good reselles...

 Reselling Reseller Account?

Posted by Cruise, 09-01-2002, 01:19 PMHi there, I myself own a reseller account and was quoted...

 Revecom Down

Posted by David@Digisurge, 09-11-2001, 01:25 AMAnyone else getting 404 errors for their Revecom...

 script that help to print on 2 printers?

Posted by bambinou, 10-30-2012, 06:21 AMHello, Do anyone of you know where to get a script...

 scrolling image help

Posted by leej23, 02-14-2011, 05:38 PMhi i have the site and i have...

 Second slash on production server

Posted by Morecoffee, 03-07-2010, 01:52 PMHello, When I develop PHP scripts on my local server...

 Server Firewall csf - Apf ...

Posted by tkanaco, 06-26-2008, 08:11 AMwhich is the better apf or csf for more security some...

 setting time zone to GMT

Posted by WebHostingNeeds, 06-26-2008, 06:27 AMHi, When i try setting time zone to GMT, it do...

 Setting up new Network, Security concern on DDOS

Posted by EricTham, 04-15-2009, 11:15 PMI am intending to setup a network as the following:...

 shared nameservers for dedicated server clients`

Posted by Calibaba, 01-13-2008, 09:10 PMIs there a way to use ns1/ for not...


Posted by kreati, 01-12-2008, 09:55 PMI have an ssl certificate installed on my main server. How...

 Simple Apache problem

Posted by Jinovich, 03-28-2008, 10:26 AMBasically, set up a server it has no Domain only IP, it...

 SMS based call-to-action

Posted by Jatinder, 02-15-2011, 11:00 AMHello, I am looking for India based SMS gateway which...

 SNMP Monitoring

Posted by g3tech, 08-27-2003, 10:23 PMHello, Was just wondering what you guys out there use to...

 Sortable Table

Posted by AvailNetworks, 03-02-2010, 10:42 PMsorry if I sound like a moron when it comes to...

 Sprynex ?

Posted by zshelton, 09-04-2002, 12:27 AMDoes anyone here have any experience with Sprynex? good...

 SQL 2005 Express Update

Posted by boonchuan, 05-04-2007, 07:50 AMI am using SQL 2005 Express Management Console in the...

 SSL Certificate Queries

Posted by EUK-Steve, 01-13-2008, 06:17 PMHow do SSL Certificates work? I was a bit confused when...

 Staggering Growth at Limestone Networks Spurs Innovation

Posted by Kyle - Limestone, 05-26-2010, 02:59 PM Limestone Networks, a dedicated server...

 Stop spammers from spoofing my email domain?

Posted by mifbody, 05-04-2007, 06:55 AMIs there any way to stop spammers from spoofing my...

 suhosin and vbulletin

Posted by jon-f, 07-14-2007, 04:40 AMI have the max vars and all that set right to conform to...

 Trademark: Host Unlimited Domains

Posted by Samuel, 09-03-2002, 04:24 PMThere is a host trying to do this.. lol Posted by...

 Transparent Reselling . . . ?

Posted by Piano, 08-23-2002, 01:53 PMHow much annoniminity can a reseller have? And what things...


Posted by magnuson56, 03-28-2008, 10:43 PMHello, I am a business owner who sells VPS servers....

 Tyan Toledo i3210w (S5211) Question

Posted by chriwong, 03-07-2008, 01:26 PMHello! Does any one try this mainboard? I want to...

 Unable to import mysql database

Posted by bambinou, 10-29-2012, 06:08 AMHello, I have exported a mysqwl database from a cpanel...

 Urgent problem: too much traffic, how to stop it?

Posted by fgalli, 05-04-2007, 09:33 AMHi, i've a vps with iptables, but i've too much traffic...

 using php do display database

Posted by bumpn, 10-23-2012, 05:35 PMi50(dot)tinypic(dot)com/ea332q(dot)jpg now lets say I wanted...

 utf-8, hebrew, chinese ....

Posted by joonas, 10-31-2012, 09:00 AMi have a collection of international html documents...

 Very slow MySQL Queries on better hardware

Posted by YYamagishi, 03-27-2008, 08:12 PMHi, I'm having a problem with a MySQL servers. I had:...

 Voxtreme...the best of the best?

Posted by Chaps, 07-22-2002, 06:10 PMYo peops... I have been torn between Voxtreme and MChost...

 Vps and Nameservers

Posted by ASTRAPI, 04-20-2009, 03:03 PMHello If i create a vps using openvz and use a new ip...

 website stops responding

Posted by netedgetech, 04-21-2009, 07:16 AMHi, I have 3 servers ServerA(Web, mail),...

 Websites hacked, can't find the file

Posted by crk91, 04-20-2009, 09:30 PMI don't know how this happened but someone got into my VPS...

 what does this dns report mean?

Posted by gg2327, 09-13-2007, 10:41 PMFAILReverse DNS entries for MX recordsERROR: The IP of one...

 What is this youtube streaming feature?

Posted by lJeejOee, 10-29-2012, 07:48 PMYou know how youtube only buffers a video a little past...

 Whats better.....

Posted by creid, 09-10-2001, 03:06 PMHi! I was wondering what you guys think is better. Plan...

 Whats the best for

Posted by zefefre, 01-14-2008, 12:40 AMsorry double thread . mod please delete this one....

 Whats the best for server with SATA raid 1 and SCSI raid 10

Posted by zefefre, 01-14-2008, 12:42 AMSo I've just got a server with 2xSATA raid 1 (OS, cpanel...

 Where can I find a working PHP SMS text script?

Posted by lexington, 01-13-2011, 04:56 AMI found this site which works in sending text messages...

 Where should i learn php/mysql?

Posted by mystycs, 03-04-2010, 04:11 PMDoes anyone know of good books or videos to learn...

 Which one is best? McHost or Voxtreme

Posted by ghost, 08-26-2002, 12:31 PMHi I want to buy an reseller account but not just for...

 WHM/apache problems

Posted by madpato, 06-26-2008, 11:08 AMHi I've started a similar topic once but couldnt...

 Wordpress Avatar based on username

Posted by mfwl, 02-10-2011, 05:43 AMI am trying to add a wordpress avatar based on the username,...

 Wordpress Theme Development

Posted by phpforum, 10-16-2012, 03:30 AMI have a design and an HTML file. How can I convert it to...

 worry about hidden ?

Posted by mixmox, 04-19-2009, 12:49 PMhello. when i use Hostname / Reverse IP Lookup and test it...

 Would this be Secure?

Posted by aldo, 01-09-2008, 03:19 AMI currently only use cookies for my user systems, I see...

 yaph killed after start

Posted by SysTeam, 09-16-2008, 03:04 PMHi, I have problem. I install Yet Another Proxy Hunter,...

 your favorite programming language?

Posted by bilalamjad3, 02-20-2010, 02:04 AMtell me. your favorite language. Posted by...

 [HELP]Need Script for manual Cookie Deleting

Posted by kohkindachi, 09-12-2008, 09:37 AMHey guys, I need a few codings(php; javascript or etc)...