horde webmail issue

Posted by madpato, 06-26-2008, 02:47 PM
Hi, me again U.u I have a problem with horde webmail I have centos with WHM and in some domains horde doesnt seem to work, u can log on via webmail but when comes to chose wich client to use... if u pick horde u get stuck in the part of "start session" and nothing happens -.- i thought it might be the WHM version but i have another server with the same version and it has no problems so far. I found somewhere else that with this u could fix it but didnt work ed for me after that i restarted imap but nothing happened i even tried to reset horde with but didnt worked either I wouldnt mind about this but since my clients use horde (with address directions, etc) they need it...

Posted by cPanelDavidG, 06-26-2008, 04:44 PM
Try doing /scripts/upcp --force - many are noting that it is working to resolve the Horde and RoundCube issues.

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