Whats better.....

Posted by creid, 09-10-2001, 03:06 PM
Hi! I was wondering what you guys think is better. Plan Reselling. (resell particular plans) or Make your own plans. (MC Host) Thanks for the comments.

Posted by Def, 09-10-2001, 03:50 PM
There's benefits in both. Make your own plans give you the benefit of, well, making your own plans , however bandwidth is split up between each account you've resold. With plan reselling you at least know how much you will profit off each plan. I have both types of accounts and like having that diversity.

Posted by PagesUSA, 09-10-2001, 10:32 PM
You need to remember your business plan and do what fits best with it. Sometimes we get sidetracked by deals and other temptations, but we should remember what we are doing, what our goals are, and then the answer is usually clearer. Perhaps both models fit your business plans, perhaps not. Then maybe my post helped you and maybe not. I just know that sometimes remembering my plan helps and becomes the deciding factor for me.

Posted by Relyc, 09-10-2001, 10:38 PM
Right now I'm using MCHost style reseller plans, but I can see how it would be nice with the other style where you pay for exacly what you need, and nothing more.

Posted by creid, 09-11-2001, 07:23 PM
Thank you! This DID help me!

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