dba_insert() not working

Posted by latheesan, 01-09-2008, 08:30 AM
Hello, I am trying to create a class to handle dba in php based on the notes found here http://uk3.php.net/dba I am working on the function that inserts the data into a databse file based on these note for the function dba_insert() This is how my code looks like for the Insert() function in my dba class : This is how i am trying to use it : This is the error i am getting : Can someone tell me what this error is about? and how i can fix it? I am on Windows OS (where my localhost test web server is) and i am running php 5.x Oh yea, one other thing. I am not able to make any other type of database. I've tried to make these types: - dbm - ndbm - gdbm - db2 , db3 , db4 - cdb - cdb_make - qdbm Only "flatfile" type is seems to be working =\ why is this? Last edited by latheesan; 01-09-2008 at 08:33 AM.

Posted by Renard Fin, 01-09-2008, 03:43 PM
Not exactly sure here but I think the error is either located in the fact that you can't auth yourself to the Db or the fact that the database isn't chmoded correctly (look at the permissions under your windows security tabs for the anonymous user or something like that).

Posted by Codebird, 01-10-2008, 09:12 AM
yeah I agree with Renard Fin

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