frequent rebooting - what can cause this?

Posted by Premier, 07-14-2007, 12:28 AM
I have a server that is monitored with a system that automatically reboots if a service appears to be down. The server is being rebooted several times a month and it seems to be getting more frequent. The server load is almost never high. It's a dual Xeon with hyperthreading and the load is almost always below 1. Practically the only time it goes high is during cPanel backup and it hardly ever reboots during that. The DC tried replacing the RAM, but a day and a half later it rebooted again. The server has 1 fairly active MySQL message board and 3 fairly high bandwidth sites (images and video clips), and the rest of the sites are quite small and inactive. One thing the tech said was "Apache gets a lot of traffic so I'm not surprised to see an apache restart once a month or so. You have 115 concurrent connections to apache and over 25,000 hits in the last 2 hours alone" but I've gotten reboots a few times/week. Anyone gone through trouble like this and found the cause?

Posted by tracphil, 07-14-2007, 12:30 AM
Heat would be my first guess.

Posted by Premier, 07-14-2007, 12:49 AM
I should have thought of that because I had trouble with my home computer last year. When I did video recording on it, sometimes it would just instantly restart, so I installed software to monitor it and the temp was going up when I was recording, so I added an extra fan and the problem went away. I'll mention that to the dc in case they haven't thought about it.

Posted by DPI, 07-14-2007, 10:41 AM
I'd say heat too. Have your data center check the PSU aswell, those will sometimes cause random restarts. Does the server ever get hung up after it reboots itself? Is there anything out of the ordinary in your logs?

Posted by Premier, 07-15-2007, 11:48 PM
Haven't found anything unusual in the logs. They say it's a hardware issue and they're trying to find the problem. I'm thinking, I've had this server for over 2 years now. How long do server hard drives (ATA) generally last before having problems?

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