How to show hidden (dot) files by default and...?

Posted by gurika, 09-13-2007, 10:10 AM
Hello, on my old centos servers I can show hidden (.file) files with normal 'ls' and 'ls -l' command but on new I can`t show hidden files on that way, I must use command 'ls -a' to show that files! Also, on new server I only see dir in who I working: [root@server dir]# but on old server this look: root@server [/usr/local/dir]# Also, on new server I have new colors for dirs, files.. Somebody know how to fix this? Thanks.

Posted by WebScHoLaR, 09-13-2007, 10:16 AM
Check /root/.bashrc file and there you can define the alias for any command such as: alias ls='ls -a' In this way, you only have to enter ls but as ls is the alias of ls -a so you will see the dot files too. Similarly you can define other attributes too.

Posted by PaperWolv, 09-13-2007, 10:23 AM
To show hidden files by default you can put this in your .bashrc file: to show the full path you are working in setup your PS1 var as: Last edited by PaperWolv; 09-13-2007 at 10:25 AM. Reason: spelling

Posted by gurika, 09-14-2007, 09:57 AM
Great, this is what I need, thank you...

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