Sortable Table

Posted by AvailNetworks, 03-02-2010, 10:42 PM
sorry if I sound like a moron when it comes to programming but I am one! I am trying to get something like this page here Just a simple sortable database type deal where I can add new items easily, does anyone here have something I can download and edit myself without know any real code or dealing with a bunch of hoops to jump through? thanks!

Posted by phpcoder, 03-03-2010, 12:14 AM
May I ask what you are trying to achieve with your database script? I think that will give us a better opportunity to assist you

Posted by AvailNetworks, 03-03-2010, 12:17 AM
pretty much what that site is doing, that site is not being updated anymore and I want to create a new version of it. The abilities are sorted alphabetically/attack/defense/combined attack number

Posted by HivelocityDD, 03-03-2010, 11:57 AM
That site looks like using database driven sorting. If you have some idea about php and mysql its easy to implement. You can make use of the "ORDER BY" clause of mysql for sorting. Another option is to use GRID programming in ASP or some thing. You can make use of ASPGRID if you like. Hope this helps

Posted by AvailNetworks, 03-04-2010, 05:46 PM
I think I am just going to hire the thing out, I have been trying to play around with it but I don't have the time to learn and don't know enough about it to do it from scratch. Thanks for the tips and trying to help out

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