Where can I find a working PHP SMS text script?

Posted by lexington, 01-13-2011, 04:56 AM
I found this site which works in sending text messages to USA Sprint and Verizon users since I tested it out on my phone and with friends: http://www.text4free.net/ However I do not like the captcha. I did a Google search and came across some PHP based SMS scripts but they either sucked or didn't work. Does my web host need special permissions for this to work or will it work with any host supporting PHP? Do you know where I can find a one? I may even be willing to pay if it is good enough. Thanks.

Posted by tihhc, 01-13-2011, 06:02 AM
This is also my question for ages with no answer.

Posted by eSupun, 01-13-2011, 07:01 AM
You'll need to find a SMS gateway provider and buy one of their package. After then you can send SMS using their API(if provided).

Posted by enkapsulate, 01-13-2011, 07:18 AM
Google ClickATell, there are also other SMS prodivers with extensive PHP API - however it will cost you, as you will have to purchase SMS credits.

Posted by Harzem, 01-13-2011, 07:31 AM
Sprint and Verizon has special email facilities, in which you send an email to a special address like 0987654321@sms.verizon.com and it forwards the email as an SMS to the cellphone. Most US providers have this feature so you can actually spend some time on google and build your own little script that can send SMS to those users for free. In the paid arena, there is clickatell, who can send SMS to like 190+ countries, which is a professional solution. 400 SMS cost about $25, give or take, if some of the numbers in your list are outside of US you'll need to use a professional gateway like clickatell. But if they are all in US, you can use the email-to-sms feature of individual providers.

Posted by JonMarkGo, 01-13-2011, 12:29 PM
Try twilio.com - it has a nice SMS/voice API

Posted by diondevelopment, 01-13-2011, 11:30 PM
Your best bet would be to have a small, simple, custom script coded using your favorite SMS gateway's API.

Posted by lexington, 02-10-2011, 11:17 AM
Sorry, but I found Google Voice offers free SMS texting (for now at least). If they ever begin charging I will refer back to this topic. Thanks

Posted by humawebdesign, 02-10-2011, 11:47 AM
try codango am sure you will get your best suited Scripts there they have 100 of scripts there am sure you will like one of them

Posted by coderiser, 02-10-2011, 12:54 PM
you just send a mail using php mailer or whatever in your code with the carriers sms email address it is number@yourcarriersemail.com see the link below for a full list. http://www.appscout.com/2007/10/how_to_send_email_to_sms_cell.php the only issue is this always shows up as 010000-01 on your phone the only real way around this part as far as i know is to get a real sms gateway service which prices $

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