How can I get the memory offsets that functions in a dll access?

Posted by lJesterl, 02-11-2011, 11:57 PM
I am developing an anti cheat patch for a friend for an old game for him and his small community of players for free. I am doing a dll in visual basic becasue the community is so small I know that VB will be just fine. I do know that fighting cheaters is a losing battle but it is such a small community that it won't be as bad but I need to get the cheats patched that are out now. I have all the file modificaiton cheats detected and blocked and its working fine as well as some registry checks and some checks for known open programs that are cheats. I am struggling on blocking the memory hacks that a specific dll uses. Someone made a dsound dll that has about 10 different cheats in it. I have tried to load the dll and search for what changes in memory programs like tsearch but i cant seem to find the addresses. How would I be able to debug or dissasemble the dll and get the memory addresses that the cheats edit so I can check those addresses

Posted by Driver01, 02-12-2011, 06:37 AM
Try OllyDbg

Posted by cselzer, 02-12-2011, 11:01 AM
idapro advance 6. yea, it prices $1,059, but it is worth it. I use it regularly, love the ability for version diffing, and writing scripts to automate a lot of the tasks for me. And btw, detecting memory hacks is a game not worth playing, blizzard entertainment (developers of world of warcraft) have been battling MDY (which i am for MDY, hope they win!) its in the millions, if someone wants to bypass and cheat on a game, its going to happen. And stopping cheats with visual basic isn't even ideal, use c or c++. Also, if your friend is making any money, i'd suggest using if he can afford it, not really sure on the pricing. But it will stop autoit color scanners, many script kiddie mem hacks and such.

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