Simple Apache problem

Posted by Jinovich, 03-28-2008, 10:26 AM
Basically, set up a server it has no Domain only IP, it has WHM and cPanel. Created a user called "steve" in cpanel. Now when accessing the site via IP. What I get is this, Looking at error_log I get this: Except where it should be looking is, /home/steve/ Any ideas what I need to do ?

Posted by tracerouteme, 03-28-2008, 10:57 AM
Hi, It seems that 'UserDir' is disabled in the virtual host entry for the IP in the apache conf. Either you have to comment that line and restart apache. Or you can enable it for the user Steve only by adding the following lines in the virtual host entry of IP. UserDir disabled UserDir enabled steve

Posted by Jinovich, 03-28-2008, 12:24 PM
I never tried this because I found the issue, thanks for you reply. For reference, people trying to access site dirs using tilda (tilde or Tilder) /~ in cpanel need to go to, WHM --> Security --> Security Center -> Apache mod_userdir Tweak and disable either the whole thing or for certain accounts

Posted by HYB-Bryan, 03-28-2008, 01:58 PM
Just for clarification, what you did in WHM is essentially the same thing that tracerouteme outlined... just with out all the icky editing of text config files.

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